We have developed a computer system that will take care of your sound and images; video clips, karaoke, FLV files and streaming audio.
You can easily place the numbers from the database in the play list by hand. The current number being played is displayed at the top of the play list.
You can, of course, have the system automatically generate a list on the basis of a genre or you can open a stored list.
Pressing the ‘mix’ key allows you to mix one or more genres to create a new play list.
Here you can also select just those numbers with their own clip or all numbers.
The search button gives access to an easy search-box in which you can quickly find the requested number. The search-box searches on artist and title.


MS Windows Embedded


min. PIV 1.4 gHz
Touchscreen monitor 1024x768px



Quick search for numbers and clips
Mix different genres
Save / Load Playlist
Shuffle Playlist
Update Music Database
Audio & Video Support
Streaming Audio & Video Support
Special themes like birthday
Dual monitor support (Touchscreen / TV )